Mountain Bikes, Rain, and …Perfection

The last trip of the season was on Memorial day a 3-day adventure to the Siouxan Trail. This trail came from my overnight backpacking book. I had ear-marked this as one of the first trails to do, but never saw it as anything amazing, boy was I wrong.

Siouxan Trail

This time it was just Noah, Isabel, and Me. Will was out with a torn meniscus. We started the hike in drizzle turning to downpour. Reminding me of our Olympic National Forest Trip. The scenery was similar–green and lush and we hiked by a river.

The first camp spot we came to was pretty open and mucky about .25 of a mile in and in the rain I had to say no, so we miserably went on and found the most perfect campsite ever. Off the trail, fishing hole, swimming hole, small waterfall, it was idealic.

The next day the rain cleared and it turned out to be a chilly, but perfect blue day. We made our way further down the trail hoping to find the end, but nobody was feeling it. We came across some amazing waterfalls and about 20 mountain bikers. Though the trail was heavily used by bikers they seemed polite and we weren’t bothered.

For lunch we stopped along the river side and the kids played, clothes off, since I didn’t bring a change of clothes. They were pretty crazy and I think will remember the trip for a long time to come.

The next day we broke camp and hiked out. It was really a perfect trip.

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